Girly Checks

Checkbook Covers for 99 Cents

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Walmart Trip 1-16-11

Here is a rundown of my goodie trip to Walmart today !!!!

I got 6 Pillsbury Mixes they were $1.42 each BUT i price matched with Meijer and they were .99 cents each...  Minus my $1.00 off of 2 coupon so i paid .49 cents each....

I also got 8 Pillsbury Frostings they were $1.42 each BUT i price matched with Meijer and they were .99 cents each....  Minus my $1.00 off of 2 coupon so i paid .49 cents each....

Then i got 4 Pillsbury Bread Mixes they were $1.98 each BUT i price matched with Meijer and they were .99 cents each ..... Minus my $1.00 off of 2 coupon so i paid .49 cents each.....

Totals Before Coupons and Price Matches : $27.88

Total Paid After Coupons and Price Match : $9.43 (.61 cents was tax)