Girly Checks

Checkbook Covers for 99 Cents

Friday, March 11, 2011

Here is a pic of what i got at Walgreens today :) ..... 

2-- Pediacare Fever Reducers were $6.99 each minus the $5.00 in ad coupons for each and minus the $2.00 off 1 coupon for each that  i printed off of the net...  Making each of these FREE....

4 -- Pediacare Medicines were $7.49 each minus the $5.00 in ad coupons for each and minus the $1.50 off of 1 coupon for each of them ....   Making each of these .99 cents each :)  

So here are my totals :
Total BEFORE Coupons: $44.91

Minus Coupons and In Store Coupons : $38.50

Total Paid was : $6.41