Girly Checks

Checkbook Covers for 99 Cents

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kroger Trip #2 (7-24-2010)

Alright everyone here is my 2nd transaction.  I went back b/c i didn't want these ppl to think i was crazy getting 40 toothbrushes FREE lol, so here it goes  !!!

20 Oral-B toothbrushes they were 10/10 but i had 2.00 off of 2 so all 20 toothbrushes FREE !!! 

6 Crest Toothpastes were 10/10 but i had 6 q's that were .50 cents off BUT at Kroger they dbl q's so i got all 6 of these toothpastes for FREE also !!!

I know u all are thinking i cleared the shelves on these toothpastes but i didn't.  They had 3 big displays of these so there were plenty for everyone which was a good thing huh !!!  Well i couldn't get home fast enough to post all of this.  

Total Before Savings:  $68.14

Total Pd was ONLY tax : $ 1.61


  1. Wow you did awesome! No excuses for the kids not brushing their teeth J/K

  2. That is so true Heather there is plenty to go around :) No excuses now huh lol !!

  3. That's right! lol By the way I love the background on your site! It is so pretty!!
