Girly Checks

Checkbook Covers for 99 Cents

Friday, October 15, 2010

Walmart Deals 10-15-2010

Here is my rundown of today's Walmart Trip:

12 -- Peter Pan was $1.58 minus my $1.00 off coupons so i pd .58 cents each. We go thru alot of peanut butter for this price i will stock up lol lol !!!

8 -- Gain Fabric Softener Sheets were $1.87 minus my $1.00 coupons off i paid .87 cents per box.

9 -- Best Life Buttery Spread was $1.50 minus my $1.00 coupons so i paid .50 cents each for these

2 -- Halls Cough Drops were .98 cents each minus my $1.00/2 coupon so i paid .48 cents per bag.

Total Before Coupons: $48.40
Minus Coupons: $34.00

Total Paid was : $20.71 

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