Girly Checks

Checkbook Covers for 99 Cents

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walgreens Trip 3-8-11

Here is a rundown of my trip today :)

I split this into 2 transactions b/c there is a limit of 3.....

But the Fever Reducers were $6.99 minus Walgreens $5.00 q and minus my $2.00 q off of each so these were FREE...  (2)

The other Medicines were $7.49 minus the Walgreens $5.00 q and minus my $2.00 q off of each making these only .49 cents .....

Total Before Coupons : $43.92

Minus Walgreens Coupons and Manufacture Coupons: $41.00

Total Paid was : $2.92 woohoo :)

I also got 3 coupons that printed from the machine called "catalinas" for $1.50 off of any Pedicare so i will go back and get more this week.... I might as well stock up for this price ......

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