Girly Checks

Checkbook Covers for 99 Cents

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Walmart Trip 6-25-11


Here is a rundown of my Walmart Trip today : 

4 -- Dial Hand Lotion was $1.97 each minus my $2.00 q off of each making each of these FREE and getting .03 cents overage on each one  ...

2 -- Dial Body Wash was $2.97 each minus my $2.00 q off of each making each of these only .97 cents each ...

 3 -- John Freida Shampoos were $4.97 each minus my $5.00 q off of each making each of these FREE and getting .03 cents overage on each one ...

3 -- John Freida Conditioners were $4.97 each minus my $5.00 q off of each making each of these FREE and getting .03 cents overage on each one ... 

2 -- Bic Soleil Razors were $4.47 each minus my $3.00 q off of each making each of them only $1.47 each ...

4 -- Ivory Bar Soap (3pk) was .97 cents each minus my $1.00 q off of each making all of these FREE plus .03 cents overage on each one ...

6 -- Tic Tacs were .75 cents each minus my .75 cent q off of each making all of these FREE ...

6 -- Gum was .96 cents each minus my $1.00 q off of 3 making each of these only .62 cents each 

Total Before Coupons was :  $71.47

Minus Coupons :  $58.00

Total Paid was :   $12.89

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